100 Word Challenge- south


Hello 🙂 Here’s another 100 Word Challenge! This one I had some trouble with, but I ended up writing a short little piece about a whale-watching trip. My inspiration for this piece came from the time when I was on a whale-watching trip, though sadly it wasn’t nearly as exciting as the one written here; my whale-watching experience merely made me find out that I’m not immune to seasickness 😦
I hope you enjoy, feel free to type down some comments below and give this post a like if you did!
Thanks for reading, there’ll be another post up soon 🙂

Migrating South

I rocked backwards and forwards, feeling the push and pull of the ocean from every direction.
An older woman called out through a megaphone, her voice well-rehearsed after years of training.
“Now ladies and gentlemen, my crew have spotted a whale off to the right. This will be the first of many to come as the sperm whales are migrating south for…”
Her words were cut off by the exclamations of delight from the passengers leaning over the railings. I looked up in awe as the beautiful creature breached, its tremendous power spraying a wave of salty seawater towards us.

4 thoughts on “100 Word Challenge- south

    • Not every trip is as spectacular as the one in this story though. In my trip, I believe the most exciting part was when a pod of dolphins started swimming directly in front of our boat. The few whales we did see didn’t actually breach 😦


    • Unfortunately when I went none of the whales we actually saw breached. I think the best part of the trip was actually when a pod of dolphins started showing off in front of our ship for an hour!

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