My “100 Word Challenge: Habit”..challenge


Alright, this is my first go at the “100 Word Challenge”, but they look really fun, so here’s my best shot:

Alarm clock. 6:30am.The bed’s other side is bare, Tom must be at work. I groan at the day ahead, and get up. Coffee. I check the time, 7:00am. Creak. Creak. Creak up the stairs. I open Mia and Zach’s room and wake them up.
“Up.” I tell them. “School.”
Cereal is served. Grumbles are quietened. The bus comes by, and the house is empty. Except for me..and my thoughts. Worrying aboutΒ Tom, the kids, our debt. They yell at me, and I open up the drawer. Pills.
I can’t take them.
I can.
I can’t.
I can.
It’s a habit.

15 thoughts on “My “100 Word Challenge: Habit”..challenge

    • Thanks πŸ™‚ Interestingly what I think to be my biggest flaw in writing is that I completely overuse commas and my sentences are lines long. I believe that having to do a challenge where you are only allowed to write 100 words changed my whole writing format completely, and I like the change. xx

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